what you think about homosexual (remind me of R v Brown)?
this is the topic of the day. we had a firm argument this morning. i never get offended by this word simply because all the time i been somehow rather interconnected or linked to it (maybe because of my attitude and behavior). thanks to it, i started to google and wikipedia and try to learn more about it, and i did learn a lot from there.
frankly, i have no personal agenda about it or get offended. this is their choice. i respect that, so long as they do not post a threat to public order or public policy. i am not promoting this, i never have the intention to do so. honestly, most of the time when we talk about this issue, we always direct ourselves to the "birds and bees" aspect. if we were to remove this aspect, what do we observe? is there any difference or distinction in between as compare to heterosexual?
no doubt this issue is getting attention from day to day. i am not saying i am open minded or promoting this issue, but, is it really a wrongdoing if not include the "birds and bees"? using the back entrance and using the mouth to enjoy another type of food are definitely against the law, they are illegal. we cannot judge a couple in legal sense just because they are same sex and in love, i have no idea is there any provision or any act on this? can anyone enlighten me?
we judge them base on morality and custom, again, who set the bottom line of the virtues of morality and convention? society change, cultural change, everything is changing with time, mindset is evolving everyday, either it is right or wrong, i am not bright enough to give any comment. just like R v R and R v C as example, law do evolve and develop according to time. should we judge the people conduct by applying objective test or subjective test?
we adjudicate people base on our own set of "laws and orders". we never apply any reasonable man test here, we apply our very own reasonable sense. any conducts contrary to our personal virtues will be returned the verdict of guilty. it may not be legally or conventionally morally wrong, but it is a wrong in our own legislation.
what kind of wrong or crime do they commit if they are in love and because they are same sex? for people like us, they are not only wrong, but they are sinful as well. we hold still to religious teaching, we stand firm for society morality, we against any effort to infringe rooted orthodox. reciprocal, if they are from different sex, everything is fine. they are wrong in every reasonable sense and every prospective if they are same sex.
my dear, please align your sight to western country, don't you think that what happen in our society today, they did not face it in their past? the parliament in some countries even repeal the laws to legally legalize the illegal. isn't it astonishing? Rome wasn't built in a day, it take time to change the society view and acceptance.
everyone prostrate Human Rights Act 1998. i can do anything so long as i am not violate the laws as stipulated in Acts of Parliament. the question is, no doubt you did not break any laws and well behave in the ambit of Acts, but the result of your conduct, is it really fair to others in society?
what is happening after legislature legislated the legislation and legally legalize the illegal?
the overflow of sexes abuse, the wide spread of HIV and AIDS, the impact and effect on the oncoming generation, the collapse of society morality, the tumble of virtues of religion, the abuse and misuse of www to wide spread the pornography, the sexual harassment extended to same sex, public order become disorder, society members split to different groups to support, nonsupport or remain neutral, social tension, criminal cases due to homosexual issues, the abuse of drugs and medication, the floodgates of cases of same sex partner (since there is no precedent, where is the stare decisis? and what is the ratio decidendi?), geographically relocation (such as certain constituent being homosexual occupying), the economic duress due to sexes bias, the gay rights issue such as do they deserve the equal footing as the others, the adoption of young child (what will happen to the child in future? especially psychologically) and so on.
the impact on socio-economic can never be handled recklessly. western moral values as compare to eastern are totally different. whatever they practice today not necessarily be a role model for us. we have no obligation to follow the vogue. we should develop our own culture contemporary with our social evolution. virtues of morality suppose to develop parallel with the rising of living standard. we have to go to good, not to bad or worse.
we used to posses a mindset that everything happen and practice in western must be good and advance, i do admit it, but only in technology sense. social development, sorry as i can say, i am not quite accede to it. take this example, just compare the criminal statistic, maybe one might argue that we have to take into account of population, so what? will it really matter? you can not deny the facts and try to manipulate it. firearm is so common over there, don't you agree that because of the easiness to possess an arm, directly contribute to the increasing number of criminal cases?
every rationale or obiter have to take into serious consideration before we apply it here, and it is sine qua non to the effect. you cannot discharge the burden to the public because of your own mistake, you are culpable for what you are doing. from my own point of view, (bird brain hypothesis), no one will oppose anything if it NOT cause any trouble or dispute to individual or community. who is so free to mind other's business nowadays? recession is coming, S11 is a big issue at the moment, who care about you if you were gay or lesbian? i am more please to care for my stomach instead of you. just mind your own business.
i don't care n bother you were gay or lesbian or bisexual or trisexual or quadsexual or what so ever, so long as you not disturbing / bug bearing / bugging me, i just want to mind my own business. i still take you as a creature in rerum natura as long as you do not do anything unlawful in King's peace. i respect your rights and your choice. after all we are just sycophant in this world for a few ten years. why want to bother whether you were gay or not? don't you think you have something more prior to do?
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