its your fault la, who else?
when you buy something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you consume something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you purchase something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you acquire something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
it is ALL YOUR Fault. you never enter with clean hands.
the seller/provider should not be blamed for the poor unsatisfied below par quality of goods or service provided, they are not blameworthy. you are the one bear the culpability.
it is your fault because you never make a thorough check.
it is your fault because you never scrutinize it.
it is your fault because you never consult any expert.
it is your fault because you never read every single word in the manual.
it is your fault because you never follow the instruction.
it is your fault because by common sense you should know there is a risk, but still you ongoing to take the risk.
it is your fault because if you were to so unsatisfied with the service or goods, then help yourself, go and build one or do it yourself.
it is your fault because you never read the contract before you signed.
it is your fault because whatever sum of money you paid is never ever on par with the standard of service or goods that provide to you, the seller always on the losing side, and they are just making a marginal margin ONLY.
it is your fault because God want to punish you for your sin, that is why we called it "accident".
it is your fault because you always have the mind that you have the rights and you are always right, remember my dear friend, you are not GOD!
No one pointing a gun nor posting a threat to you to consume anything, you are the one asked for it, and now you want to claim for the damage? come on, dude, if everyone acts like you, then the courts will be floodgate with all this nonsense and craps.
it is your fault because you never do your homework nor survey before consuming anything, you should check the weather report, the land report, the market report, the finance report, the budget report, the political report, the environmental report, the legal report and so on, look dude, there are so many reports you need to scrutinize before buying anything, yet you never do so, and when the disaster happened, you start to point finger to developer/provider/seller, is it fair? where is you conscience?
don't you learn the "supply and demand" theory? if there is no demand, where is the supply come from? as example, since you knew the hill is not suitable and dangerous to live, still you gone on and purchased, so is it the developer fault or you? if you were sane, you shouldn't purchased, but boycott the sales. because of you kind of people, so the poor developer have to seek for feng sui hill area to develop in order to make a living, now tragedy had happened and you start to fired them? what kind of morality virtues do you have?
it is your fault because you bough the wrong product. every items on the market been tested and approved by respective department, if you were to say the product is not up to par, then are you saying that you have a doubt and dubiety on our ruler's standard measurement?
it is your fault because since it was an act of God, then why you want to query others?
it is your fault because even if you make a thorough check, you are not expert, if anything goes wrong, why blame the provider?
it is your fault because even if you were an expert, so what? you might overlook tiny wee minute details.
it is your fault because even if you scrutinize everything, but do you seek for second opinion? you think you are the only genius on earth?
i don't mean to be rude or poke fun from others or to be mean or crude or rude or whatsoever, just the point that you pay peanut and you will get money, but the problem is there are so many species of monkey out there, which species of it is the exact one you are looking for? be the bee's knee, always seeking others opinion is the wisest move.
by the way, i still (personal opinion) think that a heavy sentence should introduce to the perpetrator. it is sine qua non to let them bear the mala fide on their culpability. the consumer should be protected by laws and no one should be above the laws and manipulate the laws, as recently the shameless ex-president being prosecuted by the respective authority, isn't this should be the role model for us to do the same? the provider of any goods or services should be compelled to fulfill all the requirement of standards and the respective authority should run their job professionally, failing to comply of either one party should be held guilty and pay for the price of the consequence.
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