everyone learn from mistake and thank God, the hardship make us stronger and even better man. learning is a life long process, it will end by the day you were 6 foot under the earth. why scare to make mistake and stop yourself from growing to be wiser? accepting everything with open mind and open arms, will bear you fruit of true friendships and knowledge. i am not wise as Solomon but i am willing to share what i had learned too. those who walked along with you through the bad and good times are those that you should appreciate in your heart, they are the true angels revolving you. let the passed experiences be a mirror for yourself to prevent the future occurrence of same history.
i am using the blog to express my emotion and thoughts, to share my feeling and excitement of life with those i treasured. in directly i can improve my English as well, no one borne perfect, right? it is a one stone two birds strategy.
sometimes things are nice to hear but not to say, and blogging is one of the best channel to convey the message to those we love and care but we dare not speak the truth, worrying that the saying will offense the feeling. we try not to prejudice anyone and anything, but letting others to flow with our wave of emotion's tide is a good way to let others' comprehend what is playing in our mind regarding certain issues that we were not expressly dictate to others at any material time.
as i said before in my entries, only after you went through the trough, then you will appreciate the beauty of crest. the troubles we went through before enable us to relish and savor what we have at the moment and treasure everything and everyone we having now, isn't it great?
history should be treated as a lesson, not a fetter. it is useless to chain or lock or punish yourself for what you had done. that is no way we can return the passed time. time is not a tape, cannot be rewind or forward. let the past be the cornerstone to build the foundation for future, what you reap is what you sow, just as you dictated to me before, "only your thought can upset you", contrary, isn't it means "only your thought can uphold you" as well? positive thinking will build a positive characteristics and positive result, and vice versa.
hopefully i can learn a rope from you through your blog, and let's fill in the blank with each others' support and courage.
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