F*** off my sigh
i lost in the shuffle. i felt like i was cast away in a no man island. i plough a lonely furrow all by myself. am i so annoyed and deserve to be deported? is it a WronG to air the problem and seek for denouement? i never meant to loath anyone, anyone at all. i am like a nincompoop that cast pearls before swine. it is my believe that everyone is a diamond in the rough, everyone is the jewel in the crown of his field. lo man, my task is to separate the sheep from the goats, not to make a monkey out from myself. i am not the jester of the day. should i give you the elbow or give chapter and verse? be frankly, i felt like to give you the finger at that moment. i wished upon the sun to give you a what for! if you "were" to be too effulgent to stay, then please make your move and give yourself a walking paper. Genius is destinated to be aloner, what you need to do is signaling a cue to me, that will ring a bell to me. i shall never estop you.
it is not your fault to be aptitude, but if your aptitude were to cause others to decline their certitude, sorry to say i cannot bear that attitude, i need to ascertain that you do not belong to this altitude and longitude.
my dear friends, my apology for using so many harsh words, but the truth, i really out of my control. i was lugged by such attitude. it was like a thorn in my flesh. to you, you pay peanuts and you get monkey, i will just wait and see. may God bless you.
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