jabber jester
someone asked me am i stop blogging, the answer is a yes and no. yes, because i felt sometimes people misconstrued my feeling through the homonym, heteronym and capitonym, it is truly disastrous. the good intention of mine being manipulated and plied to fit the malicious wicked wit game. i am just blog to express my feeling, opinions and thinking. i never meant to be sarcastic or offend anyone, can i? with my below par lingustic proficiency and bird brain intelligence, it is quite a mission impossible to reach the level that can draw any attention to my thickheaded rubbish notion. i am expressly conveying bunkum ideas to kill time and jesting around. i admire those bee's knees thought and meaningful turkey's talk. i am waiting the cow to come home just to bring me to a talk the hind leg off a donkey regarding any current issues. i am always prepare to learn from the best. sometimes i felt like i was at the end of the tether, not like someone that can play both ends against the middle. they can always brain storm others and generate constructive brialliant perception.
blogging is never an easy task for me. to start the fresh new topic, i will always need an excited and virgin heading. where the heck on earth am i suppose to look for all these? it is like seeking a pie in sky. anything that betide around us can be used to write a story. the ingredients of the nonsense are everywhere, and they can be collected anytime anywhere. the question is, only the brain box can utilise them and make them become the heroes in the tome. for me, it is sorry to say that i am all brawn and no brains. talk of the town will never turn into dancing rythm in my manuscript blog paper, merely cast pearls before swine. i am not politician (some of them), they are the gifted array, they have a pair of magic hands, any insignificant wee issues when come to their hands, they can magnify and converge then purify anon project it to be announced to the world at large ensuing to conform it is a national crisis. they always have everything on a silver platter, but not me.
something had estopped me from blogging since few days back. i was quite pique by certain saying. emotionally outraged. i was bound to what i said and what i did, and i never deny that everything say and do are a ball and chain. so long as i never cross the border, i still eligible to enjoy my freedom to express myself. you and i are not acting in the same concert, so i am not oblige to do you any favor or compel myself to follow your tempo, am i right? just enjoy yourself and have your own fun, leave me alone then. this is my blog and my realm, i am the authority here.
i will reserve the caprice to stop blogging, nothing can ever estop me from doing so. it is good to catch the whim and indite and engross it. who knows may be in the later time it will be encoded as a dictum of maxim or even a statute. there are so many thoughts and ideas that flashes in my little mind from time to time, and bona fide by sharing them i can acquire more knowledge from others. communication is sine qua non to deliver and ensure someone perceive truly the message that been conveyed. Birds of a feather flock together, and i only welcome with open arms those birds of a feather. it is pointless to cast a pearl to a swine. as per my dictum, words can heal or kill, they are merely a tool for me to use or misuse or even abuse.
yes or no to blogging is always a mind game and what i am trying to do utterly to strike a balance in between two. me just too timid and subservience to air my view(s), so blogging now serve as an instrument for pacify creature in rarum natura like me to voice my humble sentiment, silently. i am not in facie curiae and taking any oath, what i air might be err. i am my own judge at the end of the day. i myself is the keeper of my consciences. Eo ipso, who can adjudicate other's conscience? ipso facto, it is mea culpa when one reasonable man confessed that he did something because of me. but, the point is that i never feel any guilt. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. why try to discharge your burden to others and seek for an unreasonable reason to avoid the culpability on yourself? you owes no reason to prove anything to me. i bear no resposibility (legally, politically and theologically) on what you do and did.
November 21, 2008 at 11:14 PM Aiyo~ What has happened to you past few days? I thought you lost in action already! You used to update your blog EVERYDAY one and out of sudden, you stop writting for few days!
Who has stepped on your tail until so "emotional" and unhappy to stop writing? Learn to be more open heart and let go.. We not able to control everything in our life.. People has their thinking too.. And you may have your own thinking. So, if the person is not same thinking as you, just let it be~ If you really want to calculate every single things in your life, it always endless...
DON't so angry la! Tomorrow always is a better and brighter day for you.. =)
November 22, 2008 at 4:27 PM dear my gorgeous sharon mei mei:
thank you for the concern, actually it was not the blogging issue, but just something external and recently i been in great tense in my study. there are too many journals for me to scrutinize and a lot of information which i could not comprehend. i never get offended by others' thinking or saying, just per your said, everyone is free to express (s)he own opinion. there is no absolute right or wrong in any matter, especially subjective issue(s). you pay peanut and you get monkey, the theory is very simple. contradiction of ideas is the keystone to build construction solution. mutual respect is the cornerstone to achieve consensus. if anyone were to disagree with any view, then bring it up to open discussion, reciprocally, i was just disappointed that certain rats were to critic and comment at the back door and not under the sun.
i am not to be calculative, just i will be more grateful if someone were to share and enlighten me with his/her bold ideas. ying and yang balance and take care of the harmony of earth. agreement and contradictory run parallel to strike the balance between the truth and just. i admit i am a very emotional creature in rerum natura. i always hold on to brain storming is the best way to gain knowledge and develop/elevate the virtue of E.Q. blogging is a channel for me to express my view and share my feeling. regarding "angry", sorry to say that may be i was using some harsh words but that does not drawn to the idea that i was "angry". to get me to the that state of "angry", one need to have a very greatest pound of gravity hardship of serious offend. i will not waste my life in getting "angry", as i have no extra money to get SKII.
as the title dictated "jabber jester", i think you should be smart enough to get the idea before jumping to the conclusion. last few days i was experiencing mental "period", as this happen occasionally. i need to do some mental faculty house cleaning, in order to flush out some unusably information, such as outdated data. some rats and rubbish need to be cleared and moved out from my memory register in order to let the new data fill in.
siding all the issues, i am having some personal matters to settle as well, as i am planning to re-design my bedroom and refurbish. i am now searching the proper design that suit to my tiny bedroom, due to space constrain and financial problem as well. $ is always the biggest concern. since x'mas is just around the corner, so i need to complete the design before it and refurbish before the Chinese new year. searching for the appropriate furniture is another big problem. just too many things tangle and linger in my tiny bird brain, and i need some time to construe and seek the best solution to strike the balance.
no worry for me, as i am always the happy go lucky lao nan ren.