reverse jollity

what is the best way to eye-catch yourself? unless you were a looker, or the superlative way i think is to pique the others to draw the attention to you. provoking someone is very easy, can be by thing said or by thing done or both. human never born perfect, especially those obtuse and dubious. intentionally or "accidentally" dudgeon others, only God and himself has the answer.

for homo sapiens, we are different from our relative homo afarensis because we are gifted. we have brain. we can think, analyst, comprehend and make the wisest decision. if you were bright enough to figure out that you were lack of intelligence or have a far miles from common aptitude, then through brain storming is a good pathway to collect the brilliant ideas from the smarties.

betimes, few worthless primates tends to "contribute" their effulgent thoughts that their theoretically and theologically cogitate can save the world, or uproot the conundrum and provide a remedy to elixir it. the issue is, no solution is perfect, even it is the one come from the expert in that particular field himself, so what the heck is the solution that come from an asshole that not in the line? will it be the right antidote?

Rome wasn't built in a day. homo sapiens learn, advance and excel from experience. only swine until today still remain the same. bird brain like mine can only construe very minor plain issue. we develop system to make our life easier and comfortable. except for sabotage, who want to have a troublesome life and live in misery? it is a very sheer common apprehension. even assume you were brainless, it is basic instinct and body reflection to bring yourself out from the difficult situation. a creature that is self invent to bring exigency plight to itself and others, then which domain is it from? still remain in Eukaryota?

i opined that every system meant to ameliorate the current standard. if the procedures are simple and facile, everyone will be happily and willingly to participate. contrary, if the procedures are so tedious and humdrum, they will only deter and discourage the respective parties to encompass themselves to the system. it is merely a logic common sense. it is the rule of nature.

until today, i still fail to figure out the logic and reasoning to the question: "why the creatures relish the grotesque sadomasochism in metier?"


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