Master of Yourself

everyone is learning, including myself, the harder the path, the better, because you will learn more compare to others never been through any hardship.

if you never taste the bitter, how can you appreciate the sweetness?
if you never sad, how can you enjoy your happiness?
if you never fall, how you know you can stand even stronger?
if you never fail, how can you relish your success?
if you never lost, maybe you can never find a new direction and a new found land.

there is always dawn after the night, whenever you are in darkness, why not you take a good rest and plan for the coming dawn? saving all the energies and strategies for a good fight in the coming dawn. why want to waste your time to think of nonsense and wasted the night, experience insomnia and exonerate yourself, do you think you will be fit for the coming challenge?

nothing is a deadlock forever. you always have the key with you. you only see what you want to see, and you don't see what you don't want to see. try to see everything including those you don't want to see, running away from the difficulties never solve anything, but may worsen the situation. rages the battle. be brave.

use your eyes to see, not watch
use your ears to listen, not hear
use your nose to sniff, not smell
use your finger to feel, not touch
use your tongue to taste, not lick

see no evil, say no evil, hear so evil
NOT really practical in true life
if you never see, never say, never hear, how you know it is evil?
sometimes evil will be angel as well.

One man's medicine is another man's poison.

you never heard of it?

some people takes comment, destructively
some people takes comment,

you are the one to decide the comment is destructive or constructive,
whether to help you grow or rot,


it is just a mind game,



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