Review of 2008

⊆ 2:02 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

hooray, today is the last day of 2008. damn excited. through out the year, i achieved something,but not big enough. i been through the crest and trough of emotions and feelings through the times. times really flies while i having fun, sipping through the fingers without any alarm nor sense. luckily, i have a very supportive groups of colleagues and beloved young friends to back me up and guide me through the recession. life will be so dulled and colorless without them. the encouragements and constructive advices are the cornerstone that supply me the strength to get through all the hardships and challenges.

life is really fun yet tough. all the times people surrounding us are the one that bring the tears and happiness to us. i learn a few great lessons from some of them, making me growth, psychologically and spiritually. thanks to you all, my dear friends, without all of you, i wouldn't come to realize that there are so much things that i need to learn from you, all of you are my gurus. i am so blessed to have all of you to be my dearest friends.

making and having new friends made me expands my life circle and get to know more that is so alien to me in the past time. thanks to all of you, you had opened my eyes to see the true cruel crude rude world, you made me seen the other side of the world. all the time i been living in fantasy, believing that human's nature is pure and holy. i started to earn the knowledge coins one by one through the lessons. all the goods and glorious will be destroyed or negated by just one detriment or mistake done. millions of good will never balance off one singlet bad. this is life, right? people will never remember your good, but they can ingrain your bad and carry it to the coffin. life is truly astonishing!

old friends are just like wine. the older the wiser the tastier the better. there is nothing can buy true friendship, if does, i doubt it is really true. don't you agree life is a chemistry? difference composition of the same elements will ended up a totally different outcome. just like friends, when i mix with the elegance + chichi + gorgeous + sagacious looker elites, even i am cold blooded, but because of them, they make me looks alike as blue blooded, isn't it astounding to elevate myself by mixing with them? not only to improve myself from all angles, but indirectly influence my characters as well. i used to be a very autism person, but thanks to them, they had made over me into a new me. even at the moment i am still facing difficulties to communicate well with others, but i am confidence that i can make it, since i have angels and seraphim's revolving around me.

thanks to God to granted me a happy and safely 2008. the tastes of life through lessons have enriched my life experiences and colored my plain dull life. sweetness, bitterness, happiness, sadness, all these blended and lingered into my messy life and bear the fruit of knowledge and wisdom. God, thank you so much and i am so bliss and grateful.

to all my friends, especially young friends, i wanted to convey my heartiest gratefulness to all of you, at the very first thank, thank you for permitting me to enter into your life and be a friend with me, even though may be i am not the most wonderful one for you, and sometimes may be i am holding you back, but thanks to your magnanimity, your acceptance means a lot to me as i can have you as a friend. it is my greatest pleasure to have you. secondly, thank you to allow yourself to enter into my life, your presence is such a ray from heaven to my world. i been always vested in the ray of love and forgiveness, shrewd solutions and overwhelming encouragement make me to become what i am today. I am nothing without all of you. at last but not least, thanks for all hands that lend and reach to me whenever i need them, the comfort whenever i was down, the strength that the time i was weak, you all help me sees and listen, restore me back my faith and confidence, reach me up whenever i decline, redeem my power whenever i am so exonerate, you are the best check and balance system to ensure my functionality is running well, you always helping me to seek for the best in me myself.

I have millions and millions of "thank you" want to deliver to so many of you out there, but due to the financial restrain, i can only expressly express my heartiest gratefulness to all of you over here. i am not the kind that can use the very sophisticated and poetic words to convey my true feeling, but still, may all of you will have a very prosperous, safe, healthy and productive new 2009. may all your dreams come true in the brand new year.

yeah, all the very best to all the human race, welcome to 2009!


Lets not forget the unfortunate

⊆ 1:28 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

what are your wishes for the new year? health, wealth or mirth? world peace? stop kidding.

when you closes your eyes, cross your fingers and start to pray for what you wishes for, do you ever think of those that living in poverty and starving, struggling to live? actually we have been blessed, just that we never come to realize it. we have everything that we are having, we wish, we want and we desire for, but still, we keeps on complaining. basically we grouch and grump on everything. we never shows satisfaction, nor grateful, at any moment. how many times do we say "thank God" per day? we never show appreciation and indemnity, to Him, or anyone.

life is never easy, it is complicated. life is just like ray of sunlight. it is always "white" in color, but when it go through the prism, then you will have the composition of 7 colors. isn't it just like our normal life? it looks so plain, but everyday we will go through happiness, sorrowfulness, sweetness, bitterness, sourness, spiciness and setback. ain't all the colors make the rainbow so beautiful? if you never use the prism, how are you going to appreciate the rainbow? equivalently, if you never gone through hardships, how are you going to appreciate the colors of life?

what you sow is what you reap, i always hold on to this idiom. obstacles in life make us grow, disappointment make us strong, backstabbing makes us intrepid, we learn from everything, especially when we make mistake, don't you agree? sometimes we are really helpless in some situation, there is none of our fault to encounter this conundrum, we are not the source of the dilemma, but because of someone, then we have to face it even we are unwillingly to handle it, involuntarily. because of love, we do our best to rage the battle, in order to uproot and subjugate the bugbear. even though sometimes we are exasperate, and our hope is frail, but there is always light in darkness, there is always someone that willingly to lend the shoulder for us to rely on. there is always hands to reach out for. so why you easily say out "giving up"?

you might be defeated physically and bodily, but never ever give up your faith and hope. be mindful, your life in your hand, no one should ever try to spoil or destroy it. why you want to loathe and suffer yourself? why not let it go and start to enjoy your life? life is so beautiful and wonderful, don't you think it is a waste to detest someone while you can actually relish every moment of your life?

there are still many living in so miserably life, they lack of everything, they almost having nothing. as compare yourself to them, why you want to say give up? even though they have a hard living that you and me will never ever can make it through, but they survive, and they appreciate their life and gratify every moment. calm yourself, rest your mind and take a deep breath, you should be able to find a way to overcome the crux.

there is always hope and help, you just need to reach out your hand. new year is coming, try to eliminate the negativeness and welcome the positiveness to yourself, there is no windfall, so work hard and build a better life for you and your love one. all the best to you, my young friend.



⊆ 11:04 AM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

兒子問爸爸: 爸爸, 不爽﹐生氣﹐抓狂﹐哭笑不得的分別是甚麼意思﹖






VICTIM﹕我騙你幹嘛﹗神經病﹗ (蓋了電話)

爸﹕哪﹐兒子﹐這個就是 '不爽'。現在來看甚麼是生氣。












VICTIM﹕你這個吃飽沒事做的神經病﹗整天打電話來干擾我﹐要不是我的電話沒有CALLER ID我早就報警了你這個變態佬。。。。.



爸﹕喔﹐沒關係﹐請問ABDULLAH BADAWI在家嗎﹖

VICTIM﹕ ##$W$#^^%$E$%^$&^%R%^$^&%^$^%$﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗







爸﹕我是ABDULLAH BADAWI﹐有誰打電話找我啊﹖



my friend is truly amazing, this one is really funny...


This one is cool

⊆ 10:52 AM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »


oh God, if i have a father like that...



⊆ 11:22 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

Dudes, finally i found the password for my facebook! damn happy! bliss! so i think i don't have to upload the pictures over here anymore, whoever likes to view the pictures please log on to facebook, my account is i just uploaded my dearest gorgeous chichi colleagues photos over there. i was so regretted that i forgotten to bring along my camera for my colleague's wedding occasion, what a waste! i hate myself, so forgetful!


21SX (9)

⊆ 3:31 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

















21SX (8)

⊆ 3:31 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »




4、有位窮書生發奮讀書,就在自己的房門前寫下對聯以自勵,上聯是︰‘睡草屋閉戶演字’,下聯是︰‘臥腳塌弄笛聲騰’,橫批︰‘甘從天命’。有一天,一個 河南人路過此地,見到這副對聯就心生好奇,用他的家鄉話大聲地念了起來︰‘誰操我屁股眼子’,‘我叫他弄得生疼’……呦,還有橫批﹗不過這次他給念反了︰ ‘明天重幹﹗’”



7︰一排* 女在街邊等客,一位八旬老婦見到了,好奇的問︰你們在等什麼?* 女沒好氣的說︰等棒棒糖﹗老婦也就排隊加入隊伍等糖,結果被mop.com抓,mop.com問老婦︰你牙都沒了也能幹?老婦笑著曰︰我可以舔的﹗﹗﹗



21 SX (7)

⊆ 3:30 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 1 comments »

"Daddy? How did I come into this world?"
"Well, my child, some day I'll have to tell you anyway."
"So why not today? Please!"
"OK, but listen carefully."
"Mom and Dad met each other in a cyber cafe.
In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom.
Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick.
When dad finished uploading we discovered we used no firewall.
Since it was too late to cancel or delete,
nine months later we ended up with a virus."


21 SX (6)

⊆ 3:29 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

1.白羊座 (勇敢直率、敢做敢為的白羊)



蟹蟹不假思索:"嗯!" 4Q GB6 Lk
媽媽:"!@#$%︿&*( 再看爸爸,已經熱淚盈眶啦!)

眾人暈的暈,吐的吐。 )


父親對天天說:"今天不要上學了,昨晚你媽給你生了兩個弟弟。 你給老師說一下要陪媽媽就行了。


9.射手座 (喜歡思考的射手)


11.水瓶座 (天生的另類、腦筋思考永遠和常人不一樣的水瓶)

12.雙魚座 (多愁敏感,想像力豐富,常不切實際地做白日夢)


21 SX (5)

⊆ 3:28 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »




21 SX (4)

⊆ 3:27 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »



女: 這樣可以嗎?

男: 嗯 你好會吹喔

女: 其實你的也不是吹不出來 只是(髮質)有點硬又比較粗 所以有點困難度

男: 恩 所以你技術真的很好 很少人能吹得出來(這種髮型)

女: 那你要常來喔 我下次幫你用另一種方法吹 保證你更滿意

男: 那當然 其實給你吹慣了 現在都懶得自己在家弄半天了

女: 自己弄本來就比較難啦 尤其你又有特殊要求 不是一般隨便弄一下就可以的


男: 對啊 有時候自己弄半天也弄不出來不像你好像隨便吹吹就吹出來了

女: 我哪是隨便吹吹啊 我可是都有花功夫的 你看你(髮質)這麼硬這麼粗


男: 好啦 以後我一定會常來找你幫我吹的

女: 那你要噴嗎 (拿起定型液)

男: 嗯 好啊 今天噴多一點好了

女: 唉優 你不要亂動 噴到臉上了啦

男: 臉沒關係啦 等一下擦一擦就好了.........



21 SX (3)

⊆ 3:26 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

美中不足 (American Chinese not enough )
心花怒放 (heart flower angry open )
(you have seed, I will give you some colour to see see, brothers! together up!)
不三不四 (no three no four)
(No face, bad smell three eight, you give your old mother remember.)
大家真是好閒... (big home true yes good leisure... )
望穿秋水 (Watch wear autumn water )
你是王八蛋 (you is king eight egg )
我是獨一無二 (I am olny one no two )
一元復始萬象更新 (one dollar restart, ten thousand elephant update )
我火大了 (I'm fire big)


21 SX (2)

⊆ 3:25 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »









開車違章了要被交警罰款,做愛做錯了要被 LOVER 批評。



21 SX if you are under age, kindly skip this post!

⊆ 3:00 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

" 一生人,有幾多,射幾多,係整定既!命運就像強姦,你反抗不了,就要學習享受;工作就像輪姦,你不行了別人就上;生活就像自慰,什麼都得靠自己雙手;學習 就像叫雞,又要出錢又要出力! 朋友就像內褲, 在你大起大落時佢都包含著你,好的朋友就像避孕套,時時刻刻都為你安全著想, 更好的朋友就像偉哥,當你抬不起頭的時候給予你力量!"


D and F, you know the difference

⊆ 12:21 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 2 comments »

only one alphabet can make so huge difference


narcissism or autism

⊆ 8:51 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

pardon me because in this blog i am going to be a bit over and above normal morality standard. by the virtues of Human Right Act 1998 and the rights of freedom as describe in the Constitution, i am about to exercise my rights. I am not here to critic nor to be sarcastic to pinpoint anyone, i am merely express my opinion after a turkey talk to some experts.

customer is King. i do agree with the statement, but not all the time, as young v bristol, there is always exception. when you are dealing with the normal homo sapien, then everything is just fine. the hardship arises when you are dealing with those alienate themselves, and you have to find a million ways try to comprehend the situation and make yourself into their world. it is truly exasperate to communicate with this kind of monster.

i define narcissism as someone who is astonishingly believe that he is the best among the peers and he has everything with him, namely knowledge, wisdom, IQ, EQ, MQ, CQ, AQ(or whatever Qs), wealth, appearance, and he is definitely is a looker, physically and mentally sound as a bell, and he treat himself as the jewel in the crown, but one thing for sure, he cannot take any critics and this will drive him in pique or egg on. i do not deny that there is someone seems to me as perfect, but that is only one out of a trillions or more, (e.g. Mother Teresa), but you? i am sorry, you are just a joker for me.

autism, sounds hard to define. as far as i can tell, it is a mission impossible to challenge to deal with this group of genius. it is always in vain. either they are over narcissist or over autistic. you are almost find no door or path to enter into his world. he is like living in no man land. they tends to cast themselves away from mankind (if not mankind, then what kind of creature are they trying to contact to?). everyday you repeatedly see the same face, the face that without any expression! you can never ever define or tell a sad, sorrow, happy, bliss or joyful expression. the muscle of the face is such a way that no longer in control. i am sorry, i am totally surrender to this group of geniuses.

actually narcissist or autist is still consider as good, if compare to another group of rubbish. they are the in-between product. forgive my lousy English, i have no idea what are they known as or called of. on one side they seems to be so independence, but on the other hand they are so hinge on others. it is a very complicated situation. let me enlighten you with one example, in lecture, they will do whatever they like as they were in their own castle or mansion (as i have a friend who own a mansion, she really can do anything in her mansion!), they pay no attention to you, suggesting that you are worthless sycophant that not deserve to show up in front of them. what bizarre me is when the time comes, id est assignment or presentation, farcically they will turn themselves to amoeba, and mix themselves well with the communities. they are now totally depending on others as like a freeloader. Perfect! the adaptation instinct make them survive til today.

the narcissism and autist are both belong to the extreme groups. the advice that you give may either be take it or leave it by them. you will only have two result, to be demoralized or haughty. You reap what you sow, but what if you sow the spoil seeds? what do you expect from them? A miracle? Dream on! not even in a blue moon. i rated these groups as "not bad" because they will never make any sound in your lesson, totally mute. it is consider good, at least they stil respect the rest and not creating any disturbance.

in front of you, they remain silence even they facing problem. at the back, they keep on complaining even they know they can seek for your advise almost anytime (consultation, msn, email, lecture, tutorial, lab). if there is a wish there is a way. they are just like flies, irritating + disgusting + annoying + irking + exasperating. the third group is definitely a disaster to mankind.

human and insect just don't click.


B V S (2008) [click for bigger size pic]

⊆ 11:32 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

ever see the most errogant (nothing to do with arrogant, he don't have the quality, but err and erroneous errors --> errogant, lolz, i create the word for him)...just joking, but don't you agree that the shirt fit him well?

the day when B met S

which shirt nicer? (please do not refer the models, both are suxx) of course the batman shirt is more expensive :p, lolz

bruce lee = S ???????????????????????????

catcha! look at the sinful expression, he must be doing something evil...

not everyone wearing "S" shirt is nice, some are a wolf in sheep's clothing, just judge a book by its cover , look at the pic , "S" is trying to strangler "B", still believe wearing "S" will acts like "S"? better don't.


Enervated? not at all!

⊆ 11:06 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 3 comments »

I declared bankrupt. i am in impoverish now. the dinner was absolutely fabulous, the only imperfections were iota oily, slightly costly, the chili...don't know how to describe it, but the curry chicken is damn beyond expectation, man, i like it very much, damn, i even felt like wants to swallow the bone as well. overall it was quite up to par and satisfactory, the price was reasonable in the place like this, and i think it would be a bit unfair if were to compare the price to outside food. the environment, the hygienic of the encircling, the customers and the facilities are those factors that we need to take into consideration as well. it is neither fish nor fowl matter here.

anon was the happy hours. we been all over the shop just to yearn for the best. time flies when we were having fun. we been compare notes and talked the hind leg off a donkey regarding the colors, the design, the fitting, the embroidery, the workmanship, acting as we were the professional designers. thank God the promoters never "mop" us out. imagine myself were the promoter, i am definitely breath fire.

SUB is always one of my favorite. i never get disappointed when i visit here, every time i pay a visit, i will never leave with empty hands. although the colors selection were a bit restrain, but i am truly a huge fan of the design, i really fell for it's hook, line, and sinker. i do wish they will have new arrival soon for the CNY, because certainly i will visit again for the updates.

speaking about CNY, i heeded that the market is so slow and yet nothing being done to welcome the occasion. color for the coming year seems to be purple, as accordance to "feng shui". color pink is doing fine too. purple for Asian looks a bit weird for me, as our skin complextion not really suit to that striking color, only if you really know how to match the color, or else i think you will become a mangosteen, and we are not as fair as korean or japanese, and you need a very high skill to select the right color to contrast the color too. it is just my humble opinion.

by the way, looking forward for tomorrow as i am going to somewhere to hunt for some accesseries and pants too, for the coming christmas and dear friend's wedding happening. oh God, i will have to kiss my money good-bye...such a heart breaking.



⊆ 12:08 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

I am not planning to go for hair cut, but my empress told me that i HAVE to make it. it is a law, since no one is above and over the law, i THINK i have to do it. but, sincerely, i am so reluctant to cut. i wanted to cut it before CNY, at least can save the money for a new cloth at the moment. If i were to "mow", then i will lose one cloth. any bee's knees can help me? i want a win-win.

i still have a lot in my sopping list, damn, i am definitely going to impoverish. why no one ever show some sympathy on me and sponsor something for me? this world is so crude and cruel.

i will be tickled pink if someone can lend me a hand, please...i want to take the law in my own hands.


Superman's chum supermen

⊆ 10:18 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

ever seen the movie "dumb and dumber"? i think the photo tell everything. we just had a wonderful shopping at gurney. damn man, the shirts are gorgeous. i think i am okay with the shirt, but his was just a bit (like dumpling)...words failed me, make the grade on your own judgment. guess what? eventually i didn't buy that "S" shirt but another. want to know which one? i will wear it on Saturday, as we wanted to take another photo. know what is the reason we don't buy that shirt? simple reason, because we don't want to wear our underwear outside the pants, ( i don't actually have a red underwear as well, as i can remember). me just not a chichi and dare person.

yesterday i went to the sakae sushi, and the food served were nice. the ambient was superb, everything was closed to perfect, just the seats a bit uncomfortable. it was too tangential, i prefer the chair that is movable to adjust the back, it is more cozy in that sense. regarding the food, the savor was okay for me, the presentation was satisfying, the quantity was iota out of expectation. however since the price was reasonable, then everything still in acceptable ambit.

just now we went to the winter warmer, i ordered the "tuna cheese baked", not bad at all, and the drink "chocolate mint blended", dude, it was really cool. presentation of the food was damn enchanting, so i missed the chance to shoot any photo because i couldn't hold my horses to immediately ravish the vestal, forcefully. i was just like the predator to ambush the prey without any sympathy. the food will be superb if the cook do not put in too much pepper. for me the volume is jot too much ( personal opinion, no offense). the encircling was halcyon but the only drawback was the lighting. i prefer it to be dimmer, sounds romantic more, as according to someone suggestion.

anyway i just ended up to get only one t-shirt. my plan was to have dinner there and do a little shopping. everyone seems to be so enervated and worn out, geez, i think this was the first shortest shopping experience i had. actually i was having a thin time for my shopping. we spotted a very nice shirt at the ground floor boutique, but the offer was beyond our precinct. the shirt was a beach look designed, and i like the color and pattern of the shirt, as usual, some assented and some dissented. anon, the tag cast us away from stay in any longer, since we are just not blue-blooded. poor me.

man, i needed a pair of new cloth for my dear friend wedding that is just around the corner. it is a necessary evil for me to do the shopping, (hahahaha, just another lousy excuse for myself to buy cloths.) but this is at least a respect for the host, right? every single second is crucial, and now, as time is ripe for shopping, yeah man, now is the right moment to refresh the wardrobe and have a new stock to fit in.

Christmas = party whole night= fun = new outlook, directly implying that have to go shopping for new shirts and pants for new outlook, gosh, i need to do a hair cut as well. damn, time is not on my hand. what should i do? financial is another huge problem...


mea culpa

⊆ 11:44 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

my dear friend told me it is actually very easy to seek for happiness. smile to yourself and you will see the world is smiling to you. smiley face will invite happiness, and certainly fluke.

i am grateful for each day that God have given to me. the moment i opens my eyes, i can see the flowers are blooming to greet me a great morning, the birds are chirping as a melody from heaven, the air is so refreshing and the crystal clear water is rejuvenating my every inch epidermis. i am still alive and enjoying my precious moment of life with my love ones, isn't it astonishing?

it is mea culpa to not relish every moment of life. i have all the senses to feel the world created by the Mighty, and i harvest the reap from what He sown. i savor the fruit of jollity that He gave to us. God, i love you. materialistically i am poor, but thanks to him, i never experiences poverty in spiritual.

life is full of excitement. we always expects the unexpected, and unexpected the expected. someone told me life is a circle. where it starts is where it ends. sounds like philosophy. for me, so long as i can live happily, why care so much? it is a wild goose chase after all. so long as i am sonsy, i am a dog with two tails with what i am having at the immediate moment.

betrayal, sabotage, treason, backstabber, those are the words that i heard repeatedly almost daily basis. at first, we fall head over heels, at last, we like a bear with a sore head. love kills, love heals. everyone learn from the past experience, sure someday you will find the apple in your eyes, why rush?

we should thank them because they make us realize and learn a rope from the incidence, especially the brain box, they always likes to play the brain game and blow your brains out to get your brain in gear and rack your brain and finally they just make you have shit for brain and be a brain dead. eventually you made a monkey out of yourself, but still thanks to them, you learn a good lesson. so why blame on Him to give a hard time and hardship?

He have give us everything, and the day to enjoy is just around the corner. mea culpa, for not being enjoying myself everyday, not being grateful for what he gave, for not being appreciate what he try to make me see, learn and realize. for the joyful day to come, lets just pray for better tomorrow and world peace, sounds holy, hohohohoho


Any Comment?

⊆ 12:53 AM by marcusnhl | ˜ 4 comments »

i was trying to make the blog become a looker. Am i successfully achieve and accomplish my mission? i can't be the judge on myself, so i do appreciate any constructive advise from bee's knees.

i noticed that some of the original display were vanished to no where. i am just as curious as you guys, please bear with me and give me some time to figure out the new skin.

by the way, i had checked through the xml coding of this template, seems like it did not support some detail widget, so i am finding another way to overcome this problem. God, i really not a tech savvy, i am so slow in catching the ball. i am burning the candle at both ends yet still can't uproot the dubiety. I hate thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

hopefully Santa will send a rescuer for me.


its your fault la, who else?

⊆ 2:12 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

when you buy something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you consume something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you purchase something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.
when you acquire something and unsatisfied with it, its your fault.

it is ALL YOUR Fault. you never enter with clean hands.

the seller/provider should not be blamed for the poor unsatisfied below par quality of goods or service provided, they are not blameworthy. you are the one bear the culpability.

it is your fault because you never make a thorough check.

it is your fault because you never scrutinize it.

it is your fault because you never consult any expert.

it is your fault because you never read every single word in the manual.

it is your fault because you never follow the instruction.

it is your fault because by common sense you should know there is a risk, but still you ongoing to take the risk.

it is your fault because if you were to so unsatisfied with the service or goods, then help yourself, go and build one or do it yourself.

it is your fault because you never read the contract before you signed.

it is your fault because whatever sum of money you paid is never ever on par with the standard of service or goods that provide to you, the seller always on the losing side, and they are just making a marginal margin ONLY.

it is your fault because God want to punish you for your sin, that is why we called it "accident".

it is your fault because you always have the mind that you have the rights and you are always right, remember my dear friend, you are not GOD!

No one pointing a gun nor posting a threat to you to consume anything, you are the one asked for it, and now you want to claim for the damage? come on, dude, if everyone acts like you, then the courts will be floodgate with all this nonsense and craps.

it is your fault because you never do your homework nor survey before consuming anything, you should check the weather report, the land report, the market report, the finance report, the budget report, the political report, the environmental report, the legal report and so on, look dude, there are so many reports you need to scrutinize before buying anything, yet you never do so, and when the disaster happened, you start to point finger to developer/provider/seller, is it fair? where is you conscience?

don't you learn the "supply and demand" theory? if there is no demand, where is the supply come from? as example, since you knew the hill is not suitable and dangerous to live, still you gone on and purchased, so is it the developer fault or you? if you were sane, you shouldn't purchased, but boycott the sales. because of you kind of people, so the poor developer have to seek for feng sui hill area to develop in order to make a living, now tragedy had happened and you start to fired them? what kind of morality virtues do you have?

it is your fault because you bough the wrong product. every items on the market been tested and approved by respective department, if you were to say the product is not up to par, then are you saying that you have a doubt and dubiety on our ruler's standard measurement?

it is your fault because since it was an act of God, then why you want to query others?

it is your fault because even if you make a thorough check, you are not expert, if anything goes wrong, why blame the provider?

it is your fault because even if you were an expert, so what? you might overlook tiny wee minute details.

it is your fault because even if you scrutinize everything, but do you seek for second opinion? you think you are the only genius on earth?

i don't mean to be rude or poke fun from others or to be mean or crude or rude or whatsoever, just the point that you pay peanut and you will get money, but the problem is there are so many species of monkey out there, which species of it is the exact one you are looking for? be the bee's knee, always seeking others opinion is the wisest move.

by the way, i still (personal opinion) think that a heavy sentence should introduce to the perpetrator. it is sine qua non to let them bear the mala fide on their culpability. the consumer should be protected by laws and no one should be above the laws and manipulate the laws, as recently the shameless ex-president being prosecuted by the respective authority, isn't this should be the role model for us to do the same? the provider of any goods or services should be compelled to fulfill all the requirement of standards and the respective authority should run their job professionally, failing to comply of either one party should be held guilty and pay for the price of the consequence.


what if you have this kind of student?

⊆ 11:44 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 4 comments »

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jester of the year

⊆ 11:36 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 2 comments »

i got this from my friend, damn, i almost die...
8 c9 x: S0 P1 i: x5 a: P小朋友寫:他一邊脫衣服,一邊穿褲子。 * M+ u/ L' E( J Q2 K- g( y: |
, H6 m* E) j' {" B3 ^$ j
老師批語:他到底是要脫還是要穿啊? J% ~& \: K, I' w
: m! y0 n9 [+ j2 k. g4 h3 oTT1069同志貼圖交友網 " w5 O9 c/ R& i8 C" P
2。題目:其中 + F; W2 p2 A# a9 H8 B: e
小朋友寫:我的其中一只左腳受傷了。; ?$ r2 C2 Y/ u& r
! x$ J% @0 ]) e) w/ E6 _
老師批語:你是蜈蚣嗎? + _1 K( k, y+ K5 w
- S3 C8 p- |! p6 p% n- l # L B) I3 }/ P3 F
3。題目:陸陸續續 9 Q: d: |! B8 k5 I' A( n' _
小朋友寫:下班了,爸爸陸陸續續的回家了。 (這個好像很久前就有了) + ^1 h2 E) N: v: i6 l) t
+ W! T8 P/ u. \9 H
- B5 z5 r$ e8 d" P- o" p. O V5 x1 f ) n. {& D) F0 B/ k L6 b
' m* ] M0 ^+ J6 g4。題目:難過
x. Q- N; ~" Y8 ~! k, j4 @小朋友寫:我家門前9條水溝很難過。
! B2 G9 n; E; M& k' Y9 tTT1069同志貼圖交友網 F0 g4 `: H* c6 e7 c1 \% e
' K W$ d. s1 V9 p c0 x% w5 f- l: n- F . }# }4 O) y9 w2 ]+ g/ n" f $ e% S+ v0 U b+ u- P9 _( w6 V
5。題目:又....又..... ' i9 n& X- Q$ \ S! |
小朋友寫:我的媽媽又矮又高又胖又瘦。, n+ V C8 O( y: J5 O+ ^" R
0 v+ U0 A* _+ t3 _' eTT1069同志貼圖交友網老師批語;你的媽媽是變形金鋼嗎? c5 V3 S* n) k5 M& k* m9 _
. H8 L& J2 j: R+ ^8 B)
# ^+ D' |% E1 J K9 V8 p6。題目:你看
5 m/ n, e7 B2 [& s小朋友寫:你看什麼看!沒看過啊?
* Z2 @$ N: g9 f5 d H1 @8 M% H+ \, B & S, J! H! ^4 C- d$ Y7 c1 Z3 {5 |) H
老師批語:沒看過。 6 Y9 g; E, A0 D8 p
$ X# K& i7 d% @* m7 E: [9 ; G4 W1 z8 t' K: C) H
$ _) `, {; V: ?# ^( ?2 G9 Awww.tt1069.com小朋友寫:欣欣向榮榮告白。
* f9 y% P& u2 Q# q , Y+ W" P8 M+ t h
老師批語:連續劇不要看太多了! wwtt1069.com2 r* _+ z# x3 O. x
! G, f$ g& R5 x' Z F# t6 i! f9 M! ^9 y+ m- c/ q, {
0 f3 l4 a. q7 }: l
$ F+ F" z# k6 H0 c! |小朋友寫:好吃個屁。
) a: g5 G. G& w5 g ; i. z- V- F% z$ s3 t老師批語:有些東西是不能吃的。
/ |# ^" a+ k* b$ w TT1069同志貼圖交友網; K: y3 O) _, X7 Z9 ~$ h/ v1 n. c6 b5 \/ r/ Q
- w6 z6 S U5 g0 vwww.tt1069.com9。題目:天真
* i. R# |- z% s8 r2 O小朋友寫:今天真熱。
x) d9 i# C2 ~ v9 U _, \6 |5 b1 | + `& J1 i4 Y$ m) c老師批語:你真天真。 $ W9 z F+ a) `1 Q- h6 s9 u d
u) a, j: c* U2 v% [
. m/ ?) c: Y3 j0 H; P: ? 4 ^! ]) x4 ~! j/ s) Y, X4 d6 j10。題目:果然7 n: @0 N7 y6 g& b7 p
小朋友寫:昨天我吃水果,然E喝涼水。 " A; U8 i" z! G7 X7 ^) J
1 s/ s* E* e. s' b# J& |9 \+ k; u0 a8 gwww.tt1069.com老師批語:是詞組,不能分開的。 TT1069同志貼圖交友網; q% T( E- y) V% V8 G2 p
; w7 Q! P/ I# o# @1 m" N 0 b; @7 @7 I3 ]" c8 o% a! x3 ~ x) M0 O& g" B, t# f; a! E
/ @& k* Z `& [# U1 b. O2 Xwww.tt1069.com小朋友寫:先生,再見!
: {6 B* c8 C$ E1 h! H8 c/ y 老師批語:想像力超過了地球人的智慧。
1 l: A2 T/ k! I( q* w3 s; Q 0 N9 e, F% I# \0 J. Z0 c5 e
( f7 E' J5 Z0 q# l" Y
12。題目:況且 ( `9 \- C6 q. g/ N; c' [
6 E" b- K0 _2 G. ~/ U $ x$ q% i3 [% i3 T: ?; r+ E1 ?
老師批語:我死了算了。 (我覺得這個真的很瞎!)
enjoy yourself guys...


reformation + revolution = transformation

⊆ 2:54 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

it made the final call when the Bills were tabled.

compliment or critics? yet too early to ground the conclusion. ordinary birdies like me (bird brained homo) need more times as compare to bright person to fully construing the real drama. i have a few dubiety which need some smarties to enlighten me:

(i) the first among equals will appoints the members, no doubt he hath the discretion to appoint any creature in rerum natura, but the question arises when it comes to impartiality. can the appointee execute their role without any interference, as a professional?

(ii) who will be the members? will they be Parliamentarian from back benches, oppositions, or will the first person invite non-government organization veteran or academician?

(iii) if the appointees were to be from the same gene pool, then who can tell in certain that there will not be "politically bias"?

(iv) where is the position of the office? will it be under Parliament roof, to stand as an independence body, or will it one of the Home Office, or one of the ministry department? if so, where is the "independence" imply?

(v) as a democratic country, we suppose to practice separation of powers, that is to mean judiciary, executive and legislature should be standing alone and no interference or overlapping of jurisdiction. same question, where this office should be? if they can prosecute, then they will be under executive, if they can legislate and self -regulate, then it is sort of legislature, so where is it?

(vi) what kind of power are they vested inside constitution? what and where is the limitation?

(vii) is there any check and balance remedy?

(viii) is there any enacted Act of Parliament clearly stated the function and power encompass to the office? is there any Statute that clearly stated the defense?

(ix) is there any channel or body to handle the complain against the misuse or abuse of powers?

(x) According to "Investigative Powers":
--> an officer of the rank of Commissioner of higher can inspect and make copies of the bank accounts of any individual, inspect the safe deposit boxes in banks and to seize any document or item inspected; and
--> if an officer has reason to believe that a person has property beyond his means, the officer can order the person to give a satisfactory explanation about the excess, and a failure to do so is an offense.
even as if the police were to seize any document or anything, a warrant from court must first be obtained, then how about this office? what kind of reason can be defined as a "reason to believe"? is there any evidential proof needed to adduce before court in order to grant a sanction? or can they bypass the court and issue their own "warrant"?

(xi) what are the possible charges under Statutory Provisions that one may face? which Statute? if they were to charge under ACA, then is there any reform of the Act? are the Acts still contemporary and fit to today's need?

(xii) is there any provision stipulated to protect those who tip off the information?

(xiii) is there any rewards for those who tipped off the authority and successfully sentence the culprit?

(xiv) how is the government to ensure / guarantee transparency, integrity, impartiality and professionalism of the office and regain public confidence?

there are too many dubiety in my little bird brain and this blog is definitely not to offense but merely to discuss and with the hope to generate more ideas.

what we can do is just wait and see, but anyway, it is a good move and a good start. it is definitely a wisest Bills to table.


Speak from your heart

⊆ 3:41 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 2 comments »

why is it so hard to lend your ears to others?

just because it is after office hours then you have no care for them? merely due to you are not being pay for extra hours? or simply because you have more importance issue to cover e.g. reveal others privacy life and make it public, as to show to others that how much you know about that particular target as compare to others. is it bring satisfaction to you? to feed your hunger of maliceaforethought? Do you realize that the victim can actually sue you under Defamation Act 1957 Article (7) and (9) and (306)?

our duty suppose to be consultant and not public amplifier. assuming as you were to occupy so much free time to waste, why not offer yourself to be a volunteer for charity or take up a course to upgrade yourself? knowledge for me is the only tool to let others have high regard for you and listen to you. gossiping on others makes no one respect to you. no one will treasure a friend as backstabber and traitor.

in fact, such action as digging your own grave. i used to say you pay peanut and you get monkey, or i learn from someone that you reap what you sow. i think it is true. never think that no one will come to knowledge that what you had done at their back. i don't deny that everything is a curate's egg, but from this saying, i see no good. i try to weigh the gravity on the issue and the rationale behind such action, maybe i am not up to par, i failed to apprehend the logic and rationale.

life is so short and yet so long. you can either live as a man or an ape. live with pride or bribe. i might not be as blue-blooded as you, as bright as you, but that doesn't mean i deserve no respect and rights. you are infringing my rights, my dignity and my pride. the issue of my private life should never ever becoming an issue at all. i have my freedom, as stated clearly as enacted in constitution, (kindly refer my previous blog). inter alia, i am not doing anything wrong or against the laws and orders.

mutual respect is bona fide for all the human race, for the sake of peace and harmonious. it is sine qua non. disrespect is a mala fide to all the parties, it is never a win-win situation. i am so dishearten for such action and saying. as a mature adult, can't you weigh the balance and gravity of the consequence follow by your action? McNaughtem made it clear the definition of "disease of mind" and Quick & Paddison made it clear about external and internal factors that defect the mental faculty of reasoning, memory and understanding, which case is applying on you then?


traitor are you

⊆ 11:04 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

i really feel shame on you. since you are so well and highly educated, it is really fall beyond my expectation that you were actually dictated this saying. do you fully aware what are the provisions stipulated in our constitutions?
let me enlighten you if you were to be so lack of knowledge in this area.

Article 8. Equality

(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.

(2) Except as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent or place of birth or gender in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.

(3) There shall be no discrimination in favour of any person on the ground that he is a subject of the Ruler of any State.

(4) No public authority shall discriminate against any person on the ground that he is resident or carrying on business in any part of the Federation outside the jurisdiction of the authority.

(5) This Article does not invalidate or prohibit -

(a) any provision regulating personal law;
(b) any provision or practice restricting office or employment connected with the affairs of any religion, or of an institution managed by a group professing any religion, to persons professing that religion;
(c) any provision for the protection, well-being or advancement of the aboriginal peoples of the Malay Peninsula (including the reservation of land) or the reservation to aborigines of a reasonable proportion of suitable positions in the public service;
(d) any provision prescribing residence in a State or part of a State as a qualification for election or appointment to any authority having jurisdiction only in that State or part, or for voting in such an election;
(e) any provision of a Constitution of a State, being or corresponding to a provision in force immediately before Merdeka Day;
(f) any provision restricting enlistment in the Malay Regiment to Malays.

Article 11. Freedom of religion.

(1) Every person has the right to profess and practice his religion and, subject to Clause (4), to propagate it.

(2) No person shall be compelled to pay any tax the proceeds of which are specially allocated in whole or in part for the purposes of a religion other than his own.

(3) Every religious group has the right -
(a) to manage its own religious affairs;
(b) to establish and maintain institutions for religious or charitable purposes; and
(c) to acquire and own property and hold and administer it in accordance with law.

(4) State law and in respect of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.

(5) This Article does not authorize any act contrary to any general law relating to public order, public health or morality.

Article 12. Rights in respect of education.

(1) Without prejudice to the generality of Article 8, there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on the grounds only of religion, race, descent or place of birth-
(a) in the administration of any educational institution maintained by a public authority, and, in particular, the admission of pupils or students or the payment of fees; or
(b) in providing out of the funds of a public authority financial aid for the maintenance or education of pupils or students in any educational institution (whether or not maintained by a public authority and whether within or outside the Federation).

(2) Every religious group has the right to establish and maintain institutions for the education of children in its own religion, and there shall be no discrimination on the ground only of religion in any law relating to such institutions or in the administration of any such law; but it shall be lawful for the Federation or a State to establish or maintain or assist in establishing or maintaining Islamic institutions or provide or assist in providing instruction in the religion of Islam and incur such expenditure as may be necessary for the purpose.

(3) No person shall be required to receive instruction in or take part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than his own.

(4) For the purposes of Clause (3) the religion of a person under the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or guardian.

my dear professor, can you just open your tiny blurry defective eyes and have a GOOD look of every single words as stated in the constitution? every creature in rarum natura is protected in queen's peace and vested protected in constitution coat. we enjoy all the freedom as stated clearly in the constitution, so long as we do not bring or do anything to provoke the public order and rights can be infringed by any mean or reason.

freedom to learn the mother-tongue is CLEARLY stated and stipulated in Art 12(1). usurpation is totally against this. we have our every rights to learn and study our own language. i admit we do and have the freedom to express our view, but when the view is about to cause tension, then the expectation from a reasonable man is make consideration and weigh the gravity of the view before make it public. blend everything into one and make a mold to produce all the same product, will it really cure the root problem once and for all? think out of box, this is the common phrase that we hear all the time, the question is, if you never know what is the box, then how can you think out of the box? what box?

everyone is deserve to enjoy equality as Art 8 enacted. asking your own people to give up the mother-tongue language will really solve the problems that we encounter today? what is the fact and evident that you can show that that is the root problem? are you trying to tell the world at large that if you were to study in Chinese school then you are assume to be proficient in mandarin and likewise? what make you assume that if we were from different schooling system then we will not be well verse in other language? what kind of logic is that? if you were Chinese then should i assume that you must know to use chopsticks, speak all the dialects, know all the customs, calligraphy, and everything? if your theory were correct, then i wonder how China can communicate with the outside world? how they so successfully ran the Olympic? since they also adopt one schooling system.

we have all the technology today, and today, children have better exposure as compare to some old dinosaurs and close-minded, even they are from ivory tower. unless and until you cast away and isolate yourself from society, there is no one can actually never talk to others from different ethnics. even if you belongs to minority group, is that suppose to mean that you have to surrender your rights and let the majority decide to you? i strongly feel that my dear professor should go and study State and U.K. or Australia constitution. There are some provision to protect the minorities constitutional rights. They are so advance ahead of us and they, legislatures legislate the legislation to protect the minorities, but you as a professor is suggesting that the minorities should give up the rights to the majority? what is happening to your mental faculty of reasoning, understanding and memory?

ethnic identity will be buried in history if there is only one that come to exist. the extinction of others never ensure that the singlet will achieve any glory or prosperity. mixture never guaranty better.

i will be happy if you were to adduce any statistics or data or proof of facts to convince me, or else, just keep your mouth shut and let's your ass rules over your brain if you have one.



⊆ 7:21 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

what you think about homosexual (remind me of R v Brown)?

this is the topic of the day. we had a firm argument this morning. i never get offended by this word simply because all the time i been somehow rather interconnected or linked to it (maybe because of my attitude and behavior). thanks to it, i started to google and wikipedia and try to learn more about it, and i did learn a lot from there.

frankly, i have no personal agenda about it or get offended. this is their choice. i respect that, so long as they do not post a threat to public order or public policy. i am not promoting this, i never have the intention to do so. honestly, most of the time when we talk about this issue, we always direct ourselves to the "birds and bees" aspect. if we were to remove this aspect, what do we observe? is there any difference or distinction in between as compare to heterosexual?

no doubt this issue is getting attention from day to day. i am not saying i am open minded or promoting this issue, but, is it really a wrongdoing if not include the "birds and bees"? using the back entrance and using the mouth to enjoy another type of food are definitely against the law, they are illegal. we cannot judge a couple in legal sense just because they are same sex and in love, i have no idea is there any provision or any act on this? can anyone enlighten me?

we judge them base on morality and custom, again, who set the bottom line of the virtues of morality and convention? society change, cultural change, everything is changing with time, mindset is evolving everyday, either it is right or wrong, i am not bright enough to give any comment. just like R v R and R v C as example, law do evolve and develop according to time. should we judge the people conduct by applying objective test or subjective test?

we adjudicate people base on our own set of "laws and orders". we never apply any reasonable man test here, we apply our very own reasonable sense. any conducts contrary to our personal virtues will be returned the verdict of guilty. it may not be legally or conventionally morally wrong, but it is a wrong in our own legislation.

what kind of wrong or crime do they commit if they are in love and because they are same sex? for people like us, they are not only wrong, but they are sinful as well. we hold still to religious teaching, we stand firm for society morality, we against any effort to infringe rooted orthodox. reciprocal, if they are from different sex, everything is fine. they are wrong in every reasonable sense and every prospective if they are same sex.

my dear, please align your sight to western country, don't you think that what happen in our society today, they did not face it in their past? the parliament in some countries even repeal the laws to legally legalize the illegal. isn't it astonishing? Rome wasn't built in a day, it take time to change the society view and acceptance.

everyone prostrate Human Rights Act 1998. i can do anything so long as i am not violate the laws as stipulated in Acts of Parliament. the question is, no doubt you did not break any laws and well behave in the ambit of Acts, but the result of your conduct, is it really fair to others in society?

what is happening after legislature legislated the legislation and legally legalize the illegal?

the overflow of sexes abuse, the wide spread of HIV and AIDS, the impact and effect on the oncoming generation, the collapse of society morality, the tumble of virtues of religion, the abuse and misuse of www to wide spread the pornography, the sexual harassment extended to same sex, public order become disorder, society members split to different groups to support, nonsupport or remain neutral, social tension, criminal cases due to homosexual issues, the abuse of drugs and medication, the floodgates of cases of same sex partner (since there is no precedent, where is the stare decisis? and what is the ratio decidendi?), geographically relocation (such as certain constituent being homosexual occupying), the economic duress due to sexes bias, the gay rights issue such as do they deserve the equal footing as the others, the adoption of young child (what will happen to the child in future? especially psychologically) and so on.

the impact on socio-economic can never be handled recklessly. western moral values as compare to eastern are totally different. whatever they practice today not necessarily be a role model for us. we have no obligation to follow the vogue. we should develop our own culture contemporary with our social evolution. virtues of morality suppose to develop parallel with the rising of living standard. we have to go to good, not to bad or worse.

we used to posses a mindset that everything happen and practice in western must be good and advance, i do admit it, but only in technology sense. social development, sorry as i can say, i am not quite accede to it. take this example, just compare the criminal statistic, maybe one might argue that we have to take into account of population, so what? will it really matter? you can not deny the facts and try to manipulate it. firearm is so common over there, don't you agree that because of the easiness to possess an arm, directly contribute to the increasing number of criminal cases?

every rationale or obiter have to take into serious consideration before we apply it here, and it is sine qua non to the effect. you cannot discharge the burden to the public because of your own mistake, you are culpable for what you are doing. from my own point of view, (bird brain hypothesis), no one will oppose anything if it NOT cause any trouble or dispute to individual or community. who is so free to mind other's business nowadays? recession is coming, S11 is a big issue at the moment, who care about you if you were gay or lesbian? i am more please to care for my stomach instead of you. just mind your own business.

i don't care n bother you were gay or lesbian or bisexual or trisexual or quadsexual or what so ever, so long as you not disturbing / bug bearing / bugging me, i just want to mind my own business. i still take you as a creature in rerum natura as long as you do not do anything unlawful in King's peace. i respect your rights and your choice. after all we are just
sycophant in this world for a few ten years. why want to bother whether you were gay or not? don't you think you have something more prior to do?


evolve to slug

⊆ 11:15 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 0 comments »

i am just so sloth. i have a long list of tasks to accomplish by this month end, and yet i start to do nothing but daydreaming. i am more or less like a walking zombie without soul. everyday life is so mechanical, it start from the origin and end at the origin, it is a circle of everyday life. there is nothing exciting to intervene the flow and stimulate the excitement of life.

i think i have somehow accelerate or catalysis myself to evolve to a swine. my brain is no longer in activation mode, i used to read up some rubbish news, chatting with some worthless creature on earth, commenting crudely on some issues and so on, but seems like i have stop to do so for quite some time ago.

i am still figuring out what is actually deterring me from switching myself to the "off" state. the metier is getting dullness and it grows by day. maybe i am just overloaded, and according to my friend, i overstress myself too much. maybe it is true. normally i can handle the stress quite well, i mean all this time, but all of the sudden, the world seems to longer work that way. everything i expect and long for turn up to be in reciprocal.

my memory power is declining each day, i am getting oblivious. maybe it is the sign that i am getting older, as dictated by someone. i never get offended by my age, but amnesia. thank God, i still manage to keep in mind the tasks that i wish to accomplish, but for others, sorry to say, i don't really deep rooted in my mind. i have successfully practice forgive and forget principle.

someone highlighted to me that i was using a plain and simple English for my previous blog. for me, i will take it as a compliment, because finally someone can read up the whole blog and give the feedback to me. all the while i am using the very plain language, as not to forget to insert some rare vocab, i have no intention to promoting the vocabulary, but as we all known, language need to be practiced, if i never use it, i will tends to forget it. the best way for me recall back the words that i learned before is by using them in the writing. i found it practically useful to recall the words.

lately everything is in mess. all the tasks floodgate at one time. i wish to be amoeba to split myself in order to handle all the tasks at one time. as i compare myself to others, i feel ashamed on myself. people are working and studying at the same time just as me, but still they are manage to complete all the tasks. me? complete nothing at one time. i am so useless.

exam is just around the corner, and i am still let the slothfulness conquer over me. i am so sluggish and inattentive. i am so loath with this kind of attitude. lassitude is a disease, i need to cure it before it gradually turn into cancer. God, give the strength to against this devil's curse.


rosy ruby x'mas

⊆ 5:31 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 1 comments »

x'mas is just around the corner, anyone having any plan? anyone start to feel the heat? gosh, it is the time for whole night parties again. hooray, it is also the night to lose your ****.

if you were to choose a color for x'mas, what will it be?

how do you feel when x'mas is coming? grateful? because you have everything? hateful? because you don't have everything?

x'mas = family gathering + presents + "angpao?" + love + gossips and what else i miss?

my wish for x'mas is simple, x'mas = world peace, everywhere is so damn chaos, how am i going to plan for my holiday? i condemn terrorism.


can you see the logic behind the picture

⊆ 7:24 PM by marcusnhl | ˜ 4 comments »

will you learn if i just explain everything in details, state every single steps and eventually make the conclusion for you, and yourself, do you think you will remember it and last for a month?

it is definitely a "NO" for me. i can never remember the things when someone just highlight to me. i need to go through the whole process again and re-do and even derive in further detail and scrutinize the concept behind the mathematics. only by then i can remember it. my way of study may be sound tedious, but it help me to apprehend the basic understanding behind the solution.

the question is base on daily application usage and from there they design it. there is never a standard solution for everything. maybe the backbone of the solution seems the same, but the development of the whole idea and the way to solve it is totally depends on the facts and characteristics of the question itself. the hint of solution is always hidden in the question itself, the doer have to scrutinize it carefully and extract the info in specific order to answer the subsequent question.

i don't see the point the reason for the teacher to prepare everything and distribute to the learners. i don't think this method will produce an independence thinker who can acquire the analytical, rational and sensitive skill. i will never appreciate anything unless i work hard for it. by preparing everything for the them, indirectly the teacher just kill off their creativity and the potential to realize the rationale behind the solution.

i always never intend to supply the answer straight away. it is never my style. i want my apprentice to have argument with me, in this way both of the parties can learn from each other. it serve no purpose to produce that straight A's student without having personal thinking and stand. what is the different from producing "Asimo" if we just keep on feeding every single coding of command to the robot?

teacher that prepare everything = good/best teacher
teacher that prepare nothing = bad/worst teacher
nowadays the distinctive method is just as simple as ABC. the brain is becoming the extra organ in body and maybe one day will be replaced by extra boo-boo. the day for Asimo to rule the world maybe is not a science fiction anymore.


u just numbered

⊆ 12:59 AM by marcusnhl | ˜ 2 comments »

what kind of message if one were to use violence as a channel of conveyance to the world of large to bow or indulge to their wish(es)? i wonder what kind of information that they have in their mind. are they insane or sane? hurting and victimize others to satisfy their animal instinct is really disgusting. their cerebral never develop is it? the memory, reasoning and understanding faculty failed or malfunction?

they are totally worthless and dumbos. they replace human life with formaldehyde. they substitute the haven-like earth to bloody hell. they supersede the jollity of Christmas presents to the named numbered grave stone. they don't deserve to be here, God, please, begging for your mercy, please send all these crude atrocious creatures back to hell for eternity.

the scene is truly blood and guts. they were human being, just like you and me, we might be different in color, culture, languages, thinking, features, but biologically everyone is almost the same. through the evolution we stood out from the others, we become the ruler of this beautiful planet. we are educated, we are civilized, we earn and we learn, but still why some of them still practice the primitive barbaric method to gain attention for negotiation, don't they know we have something known as "round-table"? life is meaningless to them as i can tell.

God, i am experiencing a mentality fit for this moment, i am not quite certain what am i typing or attempting to deliver my opinions here. my mental faculty is collapsing when i first know about this. what on earth were they doing? i have million of questions and inquiries spinning in my bird brain at the moment. i am so so so sorry for those sacrificed in the terror.

my mental faculty no longer working, damn, i can't even sentence out the words to express my sorriness and feeling. i wished voodoo or black magic will works and i will spell a curse for those bastards, maybe not one but millions. they earn no right to live in this world, we should send them to outer space to dispose them, or the best they will be sucked by black hole and return to nowhere. i have so many things to tell but words really fail me. i can't express them in words, damn, i have a gridlock in my mind...

tonight will be a sleepless night, insomnia prevail. may the lost souls rest in peace.